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Is It Possible To Revive Damaged Hair?

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Hair is the crowning glory of every woman! Every woman wishes to have healthy, thick, shiny, long hair, and why not? Hair is one of the most important parts of women's beauty and not only to women, it can arouse anxiety in anyone when it starts thinning, falling, or disappearing.
 Unfortunately, hair can thin, fall out, or become damaged due to various health or external factors. 
In this article, we'll focus on some of the most important causes of hair damage, both internal and external, as well as ways to prevent or minimize that damage. Additionally, we'll provide some useful tips on how to protect your hair externally.

Internal Causes

Hair damage can be caused by a variety of factors, including internal causes that affect the overall health of your body. 
  • Poor diet, for instance, can lead to hair damage as it may not provide the necessary nutrients that your hair needs to stay healthy.
  • Insomnia(inability to sleep), can affect your body's ability to repair and regenerate hair cells, which can result in hair damage.
  • Anemia, common in women, can affect the production of red blood cells, which can lead to a lack of oxygen and nutrients that are necessary for healthy hair growth. 
  • Stress is another factor that can contribute to hair damage, as it can disrupt the normal growth cycle of your hair and cause hair loss.
  • Hormonal imbalances are also a common cause of hair damage, especially in women. For instance, an excess of androgens can cause hair loss in women who are genetically predisposed to it.
  • Any other medical condition that affects the health of your body can also lead to hair damage.
To prevent hair damage caused by internal factors, it's essential to address any underlying medical issues as soon as possible and seek proper medical advice from a doctor. A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques can also help maintain healthy hair.

External Causes

Various external factors can adversely affect the health of your hair. 
  • Wrong products- one of the most common causes is using hair care products that are not suitable for your hair type. For instance, using a shampoo that is too harsh for your hair can strip it of its natural oils, making it dry and brittle.
  • Chemical treatments such as coloring, perming, straightening, or bleaching can also cause damage to your hair. These treatments involve the use of strong chemicals that can weaken the hair shaft, leading to breakage and split ends.
  • Excessive use of hair dryers or other heat-styling equipment can also damage your hair. The heat from these devices can dry out your hair, making it prone to breakage and split ends. It is advisable to use these devices on low heat settings and to apply a heat protectant spray before using them.
  • Drying your hair vigorously with a towel can also cause damage. Rubbing your hair with a towel can lead to breakage and split ends. It is recommended to gently pat your hair with a towel and let it air dry whenever possible.
  • Sun's UV rays- Spending too much time in direct sunlight can also damage your hair. The sun's UV rays can cause your hair to become dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. It is advisable to wear a hat or use a hair sunscreen when spending time outdoors.
  • Chlorinated water or Air pollution- Chlorine can strip your hair of its natural oils, making it dry and brittle. Air pollution can also cause damage to your hair, making it dull and lifeless.
  • Dandruff or a fungal infection on the scalp can cause hair loss and damage. It is important to treat these conditions promptly to avoid further damage to your hair.

How To Revive Damaged Hair?

If you're struggling with damaged hair, there's still hope! By taking care of both your internal and external health, you can revive your hair. There are a few key things to keep in mind if you want to successfully revive damaged hair. Above all else, it's important to prioritize the following steps:

1) Balanced Diet            

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To maintain healthy hair, it is crucial to focus on a well-balanced diet. A healthy scalp and hair require the intake of essential vitamins and minerals in the body, which cannot be obtained from a single fruit or vegetable. Therefore, it is important to consume a balanced diet comprising proteins, complex carbohydrates, iron, vitamins, minerals, and good fat to ensure that your body functions at its best.

Pay special attention to the following in your diet for better hair

PROTEIN: lentils, soy, kidney beans... more sources of protein

IRON: spinach, pomegranate, beetroot...more sources of iron

OMEGA 3: fatty fish like salmon, trout, avocados, pumpkin, seeds, walnuts...

VITAMIN A: orange & yellow colored vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin...

VITAMIN E: seeds and nuts 

VITAMIN C: lemon, amla, guava, grapefruit, kiwi...

BIOTIN: eggs, soy, whole grains...

ZINC/SELENIUM: eggs, nuts, whole grains

CALCIUM: dairy products

2) Water Intake

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Water is an essential element for maintaining good health. It serves multiple purposes, including flushing out harmful toxins from your body, keeping your body and hair hydrated, and regulating your bodily functions. When you engage in rigorous physical activities, such as exercising or working hard, your body loses water through sweat. 

Similarly, frequent urination can also result in dehydration. To compensate for this loss of fluids, it is important to replenish your body with adequate amounts of water. By doing so, you can ensure that your body stays well-hydrated and functions optimally.

3) Never Skip Breakfast

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It is highly recommended that you never skip your breakfast. After waking up in the morning, your body needs an ample amount of nutrients to kick-start its functions for the day. Therefore, it is essential to have a nutritious breakfast that can provide your body with the required energy and nutrition. 

You should incorporate more protein and complex carbohydrates in your first meal of the day. This will help in keeping you full and energized for longer periods, thereby allowing you to stay active and focused throughout the day.

4) No Packaged Foods

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It is important to make conscious choices when it comes to the food we consume. Packaged foods, refined sugar, and products made from them, as well as caffeinated drinks, jams, jellies, and similar non-nutritious foods, may taste good but they are not beneficial for your hair or overall health. 

In fact, consuming such foods regularly can negatively impact your health and the quality of your hair. Instead, it is recommended to choose foods that are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that can help to revitalize you, strengthen your body, and fulfill any nutritional deficiencies you may have. By making healthy food choices, you can promote healthy hair growth and overall well-being.

5) Regular Exercise/Yoga

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Regular exercise and yoga sessions not only help you maintain overall physical fitness but also play a significant role in improving the health of your hair. By increasing blood flow and oxygen supply throughout your body, exercise and yoga ensure that every part of your body, including your scalp and hair, receives adequate nutrients and oxygen. This, in turn, promotes better hair growth and overall hair health. 

Moreover, practicing yoga and physical exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety, which can hurt your hair health. It helps you calm your mind and strengthen your body, which contributes to better digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to healthier and more lustrous hair.

6) Good Quality Sleep

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Getting a good night's sleep is just as essential for your health as eating a balanced diet. When you sleep well, your body releases beneficial hormones that help to reduce stress, improve skin and hair health, and regulate your bodily functions. In addition, restful sleep can greatly improve your mood and overall well-being. Therefore, it is vital to prioritize getting enough high-quality sleep for the sake of your overall health and wellness.

How To Protect Your Hair Externally?

Taking care of your hair is essential to keep it healthy, shiny, and strong. Here are some detailed tips that can help you protect your hair externally:

1. Always use a mild sulfate-free shampoo or herbal shampoo that suits your hair type. Look for shampoos that contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera, jojoba oil, and coconut oil, which can nourish your hair and keep it healthy.

2. Use cool water to wash your hair instead of hot water. Hot water can strip off the natural oils from your scalp, making your hair dry and brittle.

3. Apply a conditioner after shampooing your hair. Conditioner helps to moisturize your hair and protect it from environmental damage. Apply the conditioner from the mid-shaft to the end of your hair, leaving it for a minute or two before rinsing it off.

4. Use a hair mask once a week to deep-condition your hair. Choose a hair mask that suits your hair type. For example, if you have dry hair, look for a mask that contains shea butter or avocado oil. Apply the mask to your hair, leaving it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.

5. Massage your hair and scalp once a week to improve blood circulation and promote hair growth. Use a hair oil or serum to massage your scalp gently. However, if your scalp is oily, avoid massaging it too much.

6. Avoid combing your hair when it is wet, as it can lead to hair breakage. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair gently.

7. Protect your hair from the sun's harmful rays by wearing a hat or scarf while going out in the sun. The sun's UV rays can damage your hair and make it dry and brittle.

8. Avoid using heat-styling equipment such as straighteners, curling irons, and hair dryers too often. Heat can damage your hair, making it dry and frizzy. If you must use heat styling equipment, use a heat protectant spray to minimize the damage.

9. Avoid using harsh towels to dry your hair. Instead, use a soft cotton T-shirt to pat dry your hair gently. Rubbing your hair vigorously with a towel can lead to hair breakage and frizz. 

By following these detailed tips, you can protect your hair externally, keeping it healthy, shiny, and strong.

Stay Healthy, Stay Fit!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.


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