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Top 5 Essential oils to Invest In this Season!

When we think of essential oils, the first thing that comes to our mind is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a popular therapy that utilizes essential oils to enhance physical wellness by inhaling or applying the oils to the skin. However, the usage of essential oils is not confined to aromatherapy alone. Essential oils have been utilized for a wide range of purposes, including therapeutic, spiritual, and ritualistic uses, dating back to ancient times. These oils are extracted from plants, and each oil has its unique properties, aroma, and benefits that can be used for various purposes.

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Essential oils are potent liquids that are extracted from various parts of plants such as roots, stems, leaves, fruits, bark, seeds, or flowers. These oils contain the same scent, flavor, and healing properties as the original plant, making them a popular choice in aromatherapy and natural medicine.

The most common method of extracting essential oils is through steam distillation. This involves heating the plant material with steam to release the oils, which are then collected and condensed into a concentrated liquid. However, there are also other traditional methods of extraction, including cold pressing, enfleurage, cohobation, and maceration.

It's worth noting that essential oils are not actually oils, despite their name. They are more accurately described as highly concentrated plant extracts that are often insoluble in water. Essential oils are typically used for their aromatic qualities, as well as for their flavoring and therapeutic effects in various applications such as diffusers, massage oils, and skincare products.

Don't get confused with fragrance oil and aroma oils

Fragrance oils are synthetically made chemical scent compounds, usually used in cosmetic products, air/room fresheners, candles, soaps, etc.

Aroma oils are blended oils, usually containing essential oil with other carrier oils to create a perfectly scented oil that can be used in diffusers, humidifiers, vaporizers, etc.

There are various varieties of essential oils available, but here I am picking my favorite five.


 The camphoraceous and minty smell of eucalyptus essential oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which effectively cures acne, pimples, and even the scars left on the skin. It is very good in treating upper respiratory ailments like - bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.

A good steam inhalation of this essential oil helps in getting rid of the blocked nose by reducing and loosening up the mucus, associated with the common cold. 

It can also be used as a natural pain reliever due to its cooling properties. It gives relief to the strained muscles when massaged, after diluting it with carrier/base oil.

Pure essential oils are highly concentrated. They should not be applied directly on the skin. Always dilute them in carrier/base oil before using them.


Carrier oils are less concentrated oils used to dilute essential oils before they are applied to the skin. They are also known as base oils.
Ex: sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, coconut oil, argon oil, etc.


  • can be used in a diffuser for its refreshing and cooling effects
  • in case of nasal congestion, a few drops (1-2drops) of it can be put on a handkerchief to smell to make breathing easier
  • in case of acne and pimples, 1-2 drops of it can be added to 1tbps of cold press coconut oil and gently massaged 


Lavender essential oil has a delightful and refreshing fragrance that is known to soothe and calm the body and mind. Its sweet floral aroma is popularly used in a variety of cosmetic products for its therapeutic properties.

Apart from its pleasing scent, lavender oil is also known for its comforting and relaxing effects, which can help relieve stress and mild headaches. Additionally, it is a popular natural remedy for treating acne and lightening blemishes, making it a favorite among skincare enthusiasts.


  • adding a drop of it to your favorite moisturizer helps in controlling acne and removing blemishes if any
  • adding a few drops of it in bath water keeps the freshness for a long time
  • Use a few drops of it in a diffuser to act as an air freshener
  • adding a few drops of it in the washing machine while washing clothes gives a pleasant floral fragrance that stays with us throughout the day
  • A few drops of it can be added to a spray bottle to use as a body mist


Tea tree essential oil is a natural remedy that is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree, scientifically known as Melaleuca alternifolia. It is also referred to as melaleuca oil and is well-known for its therapeutic properties. 

This oil has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an effective treatment for various skin and scalp conditions such as dandruff, acne, boils, mild fungal and bacterial infections, and insect bites. Its soothing and calming fragrance has also been known to provide a feeling of relaxation and tranquility.

It is highly toxic, and should not be used in or around the mouth.


  • A few drops of it can be added to your favorite shampoo to treat dandruff. It also helps to unclog hair follicles and strengthen the roots.
  • A few drops of it can be mixed in carrier oil (sweet almond, coconut, olive oil...) to massage the scalp for dandruff-free, infection-free healthy hairs.
  • can be applied on acne-prone skin after diluting it with a carrier oil, with the help of a cotton ball.


Rosemary essential oil is renowned for its calming and therapeutic properties. Its refreshing and herbal fragrance helps to reduce stress levels and anxiety, making it an excellent choice for individuals looking for a natural way to relax. You can experience its benefits by either inhaling the oil or using it in a diffuser to fill your surroundings with its refreshing aroma.

Apart from its calming effects, rosemary essential oil also has stimulating properties. It can work wonders in stimulating hair follicles, which can help reduce hair fall and encourage new healthy hair growth. 

Additionally, when massaged into the skin, it can help increase circulation, which may help reduce fine lines, shrink large pores, and lighten dark spots and blemishes. Rosemary essential oil is an excellent choice for individuals looking for a natural and effective way to maintain healthy hair and skin.


  • add a few drops in a diffuser for a refreshing aroma and a stress-free environment
  • dilute its few drops in a carrier oil to massage on the scalp to reduce hair fall and healthy hairs 
  • A few drops of it can be mixed with your favorite shampoo or conditioner for thick and healthy hairs
  • can be massaged into the skin after diluting it with a carrier/base oil for spotless, blemish-free skin


Peppermint essential oil is a true wonder of nature. Its cool and minty fragrance has the power to refresh and uplift your mood, especially during the hot summer months. Not only does it have a pleasant aroma, but it is also known for its stress and anxiety-reducing properties. 

In addition to its mood-enhancing benefits, peppermint oil has a cooling effect on the skin. When applied topically after being mixed with carrier oil, it can work wonders in reducing muscle pain and providing relief from itching. 

But that's not all! Peppermint essential oil also has natural pesticide properties. It has been found to repel some insects, including mosquitos. So, why not add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to your diffuser, or apply it to your skin to enjoy all its amazing benefits?


  • Add a few drops in a diffuser to refresh spaces and lift the mood
  • A few drops of it can also be put on a cotton ball which can be placed in any corner of a room for refreshing spaces
  • A few drops of it can also be put in your home cleaning products for fragrance and freshness
  • Add a few drops in your bath water to feel fresh throughout the day


  • essential oils are highly concentrated ones, always dilute them in carrier/base oil before using.
  • before using any essential oil topically, do a patch test on your inner arm. if no irritation or reaction occurs after 24 hours, it is generally safe to use.
  • Pure essential oils can be highly toxic if taken internally. It will be good to keep them away from children and pets.
  • avoid going in direct sunlight, after applying them topically.
  • pregnant and lactating mothers should avoid using essential oils.
Stay Healthy, Stay Fit!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.


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