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What to INCLUDE and What to EXCLUDE this SUMMER !

We all have heard of eating certain foods during specific seasons...right? The human body responds differently to different seasons. Just as our bodies need different types of clothing in different seasons, we also need to eat differently.

Nature has created vegetables and fruits according to the requirements of the season.
Summer is the season for light food and lots of fluids. This is the season when ice-cold fresh lemonade is more popular than hot tea/coffee. This is the season when mangoes and melons are more popular than any other fruits. This is also the season when cotton fabrics are more popular and in demand than any other fabrics.

Always eat the right kind of food during a particular season, so that we can take the natural goodness that is contained in them.

So, here are some points that are advisable to include and exclude this summer!


 1) MORE H2O

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Water is an essential element for the proper functioning of our body. It helps regulate body temperature, delivers essential nutrients, and flushes out toxins. Ensuring that you remain hydrated throughout the day is crucial for your overall well-being. Sipping water at regular intervals can help you maintain optimal hydration levels and prevent dehydration. Remember, water is the best source of hydration for your body, and it's important to make it a habit to sip on it throughout the day.


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It is important to take regular baths to stay clean and fresh. If you sweat excessively, you can take a bath twice a day. Adding some lemon juice or rosewater to your bathing water will help you stay fresh for a longer period. Additionally, it is important to change your undergarments every time you take a bath, and don't forget to change your sheets regularly. It is recommended to change bed sheets every 4-5 days.


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As summer approaches, the temperature rises and we all tend to sweat more. It is essential to select the right type of clothing that is not only stylish but comfortable and suitable for the weather as well. Breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, and rayon are great options that allow air to circulate and prevent overheating. 

When it comes to color, light shades like pastels and whites are ideal. They reflect most of the sun's rays back into the atmosphere, making you feel cooler and more comfortable. So, next time you're deciding what to wear on a hot summer day, keep in mind that comfort is key, and choose clothing that is both breathable and light-colored.


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To stay healthy and hydrated during the summer months, it's essential to incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Specifically, opt for produce that has a high water content, such as bottled gourd, ridged gourd, cucumbers, and peppers. These foods are not only refreshing but also have a cooling effect on the body, which helps regulate body temperature during hot weather. 

You can enjoy these summer delights in various forms, including salads, sabzis, and juices, depending on your personal preference. So, make sure to stock up on these delicious and nutrient-rich options to stay cool and healthy all summer long!


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One of the healthiest ways to stay hydrated is to include a variety of flavorful mocktails and sharbats in your diet. You can mix different ingredients such as coconut water, lemon water, or kokum to create a refreshing drink. 

In India, there is a rich tradition of making sharbat from a variety of ingredients, including sattu (roasted gram flour, popular in Bihar), bael fruit (also known as wood apple), aam panna (made from raw mangoes), kokum (popular in southern India), and buttermilk (also known as lassi, popular in Punjab).

These drinks are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that help restore water balance and keep you hydrated. So, if you're looking for a healthy and tasty way to stay hydrated, try adding some of these traditional Indian sharbat to your diet.


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Looking for a simple yet effective way to keep your body cool during hot weather? Consider adding yogurt to your diet! 

This probiotic food is not only a delicious addition to any meal plan, but it also carries numerous health benefits. By increasing your intake of yogurt, you can help keep your body hydrated and boost your energy level, all while enjoying its creamy texture and tangy flavor. 

Whether you prefer plain yogurt, sweetened yogurt, or yogurt-based options like smoothies, raita, or buttermilk, there are plenty of delicious ways to incorporate this healthy food into your daily routine.


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During hot weather, it can be quite challenging to maintain a cool body temperature, but some herbs and spices can help. 

Mint, coriander, dill, fennel (saunf), cumin, and green cardamom are some examples of cooling herbs and spices that can be added to your diet to help beat the heat. These herbs and spices are known for their cooling properties and can be consumed in various forms, such as in salads, smoothies, teas, or as seasoning for your meals. 

Incorporating these cooling herbs and spices into your diet will not only help keep you cool but also provide you with several health benefits.


If you're looking to improve your health by avoiding certain foods and activities, here are some tips to help you out:

1) Spicy foods can be tough on your stomach, so it's best to avoid them if possible.

2) Fried foods are often high in fat and calories, so limiting your intake of these foods can help you maintain a healthy weight.

3) Heavy pulses and grains such as kidney beans, chickpeas, makkai, and bajra can be difficult for some people to digest. If you find that these foods upset your stomach, it may be best to avoid them.

4) Meat can be a good source of protein, but it can also be heavy and difficult to digest. If you're trying to limit your intake of heavy non-veg foods, consider eating leaner cuts of meat or replacing meat with plant-based protein sources.

5) Hot beverages like tea or coffee can be dehydrating, which can leave you feeling tired and sluggish. If you're looking to stay hydrated, consider drinking cool or room-temperature water instead.

6) Wearing tight clothing or overdressing can restrict your movement and make it difficult to breathe. To stay comfortable throughout the day, opt for loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics.

7) Walking, jogging, or exercising late in the morning can be challenging in hot weather and may leave you feeling drained. Instead, try to wake up early and exercise in the morning when temperatures are cooler and your energy levels are higher.

Stay Healthy, Stay Fit!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.


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